Monday, May 21, 2012

a little of this, alittle of that. Part 1

So I found my camara again!  Yes it was missing for abt. 2 months.  Ammon found it in his closet.  Don't ask why it was there, because nobody knows.  It was fun to see pictures on there from Christmas, Gideon's birthday and discovery recitals.  Oh the fun of pictures.  Now I need to find an inexpencive way to print some of them.  I haven't print hardly any pictures for the past 6 years.  Lately it's made me kinda sad to think that I just can't go to an album and flip through my pictures.  I have to go my computer and turn it on and go to a certain file to look at my pictures.  To even just print the important ones to me would cost a fortune at this point.  Dose anyone know of an easy inexpensive way to have pictures print?  Any suggestions?

Al went all out and bought a bunch of baseball equipment with his birthday money.  He as been teaching the boys some techniques this spring.  They have all enjoyed the bonding experience.  Even Gideon loves to get in on the action.

It was fun to do Easter at our new house.  We hid the eggs Sat. morning.  I had so much fun hiding the eggs in our house because there were so many options.  The kids had fun looking for them.  Gideon found one egg, and once he realized there was candy in it, that was it.  He just wanted to sit and eat the candy.  Later that day we went to Manda's for dinner and Matt & Evelyn's unafficial wedding.  Manda helped us make windsockets, Marnie helped us make homemade tulips using the kids hands, and I did an Easter lesson.  It was so much fun spending time with family.

I don't know what happened to the video.  But it's all the kids and Grandma running around blowing their homemade windsockets.
Like I said, we had a short ceremony for Matt and Evelyn after the Easter dinner.  It was short, but nice. Melodee led us in a song, Al gave a prayer, Mom gave a talk about going to the temple, then Matt's old bishop and boss married them, and it was done.

1 comment:

ScoundrelLV said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your new house. The first year of holidays are fun. Gideon sounds like Alex. Once they found the chocolate that was it. I loved watching the video of everyone running with their wind sockets. And I am so glad you took pictures of Matt and Evelyn. They are the only ones I have seen.