Saturday, December 29, 2012


State Fair

Ammon made a good first mate.
In Sept. we went to the state fair.  My 3 oldest earned a free entrance, 1 free ride, and a free lemonade.  We got discount tickets for Al and I and free parking, Joshy and Gideon were free.  It was the way to go.  I really liked the bubble machine, and diving show, but my favorite would be the pirate show.  It was good, funny entertainment.

Drive in Movies

We went to our first drive in as a family.  We watched Madagascar 3, Ice Age, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog days.  It was way late by the time we were done, and I don't think I want to do it again with little kids, but it was so worth the experience.

Middle Canyon

In October we went on a picnic up Middle Canyon.  The colors were so pretty and it was nice to get out.  The best part is that it is only abt. 10min. away from our house!

Gideon got his new bed.

Also in Oct. Al decided to put together the toddler bed for Gideon.  I was helping with something else and came home to it all made.  Gideon loves his new bed. 

Sam turns 13!

So handsome in his new suit.
Samuel turned 13 in Oct.  I can't believe my baby is a teenager!  What a handsome boy.


So creative in their made up costumes

Look at all that candy!  And he has another basket full.
For Halloween, I told the kids that I wasn't buying anything for Halloween so they had to be creative with their costumes.  Ammon is the invisible man, Sam a soldier, Joshy a skeleton, Bella a hunchback, and Gideon used Joshy's old costume, a ninja.  We had a fun time trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood.  We found out that our next door neighbor gets way into Halloween.  I guess everyone comes down our street just to see what he does for trick-or-treaters.  It's fun, but we ran out of candy.  I thought we had plenty with 5 bags!  Next year we'll have to plan for more.

 Going to the Temple

Sam got to go to the Temple for the first time the 1st of Nov.  It took us way to long to finally take him.  We thought we had to have family names so we kept holding off.  But we finally got him there, and it was a good experience.

Weenie Roast

In Nov. we were able to roast hot dogs and marshmallows in our own back yard.  It is so nice having a built in fire pit right in our back yard.  It's like camping, only more convenient. 

Joshy's Snowman

The first snow fall of the season Joshy got out and made a snowman all by himself.  So cute!  I think he did a great job.

Another highlight of Nov. is we got to have Thanksgiving dinner in our new home.  It was so much fun to host a holiday dinner for the first time in a long time, and have everyone come over.  We did it 2 nights in a row.  Once with my side of the family then the next night with Al's side of the family.  It was nice to be able to do it.

1 comment:

Mandos said...

One thing I like about our house is where are right by a canyon as well! It's so nice to just take off and be where you want in just a few minutes! I'm glad you have that as well. Gets me a little sad to see our kids grow up. I still remmber going to see Sam when he was born. Ashlyn and I stopped to get him a teddy bear and she was not so sure about giving it up for sam! Love that kid! So glad you had him!