Sunday, May 17, 2009

11 Years and Going Stronger!

Well this Thursday Monica and I are celebrating 11 years of mariage. It is hard to believe that it has actually been that long, and that we have 4 children to celebrate this milestone with us.
This week is actually going to be crazy! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday I have to help people move. Thursday Monica has to spend the entire evening downtown with the youth preparing for the Temple Celebration. So actually we will be celebrating our anniversary apart for the majority of the day because Monica has Bella's end of year party for her pre-school. I reminded Monica of Elder Holland's comments that this is the only church which seals us for eternity but separate's us for life.
We are going to try and go out on Saturday, it was going to be Friday but that is not going to work out. So Saturday we will have our date. And can you believe it, Monica suggested that we go shooting! What a woman! No wonder I love her so much, how many men can say that on their anniversary their wife suggested that they go shooting as their date? I would have to venture to say the percentage is miniscule to say the least.
I can definately say that I love Monica more today than I did when we got married and I loved her then. As the years have gone on my love for her has grown to consume me in its entirety. She is definately something special and I love and honor her as a woman and as my eternal companion.
So when you read this Monica, I want you to know that I love you very much. I look forward to the next zillion years together.


Mandos said...

Congratulations on 11 years! Have a great time shooting!

Monica said...

I love you too!