Monday, August 17, 2009

Here I am at work

Well here I am at work and I was looking at our family's blog and saw that there were some comments left on post I did about my job. So I decided to give an update.
I probably have the easiest job on the face of the planet. I sit here do a little work throughout the day, but mostly I sit and stare out the window from my desk. I have done what I can to make my office a reflection of me. When I got here it looked too feminine since the old manager was female. So I took all the frilly stuff down and put up my baseball stuff.
I guess I should go back a little and say starting this week I have the easiest job in the world. For the last few weeks I've been dealing with a situation which tried my patience and my willingness to stay at it. The old manager decided that taking the coffee maker when she left wasn't enough so she accessed the account with some checks that she took with her and drained the bank account of $20,000 by the time she was caught. Well every loan that I wrote and every check that I made out bounced because the bank closed the account as soon as the fraud was discovered. I had to deal with all the angry and confused people. It was good in that I showed the company what I am capable of, and I continued to write loans and get them funded during the whole ordeal even though it consisted of a lot more hoops to jump through for the client. I had several of the VP's of the company here working with me and the Chief Marketing officer here a couple of days and they were all very impressed with my abilities. I did tell them that if they were trying to get rid of me they were doing all the right things to do it. It is all taken care of now, I had to yell at the Senior Executive VP and the CFO of the company to resolve it, but now I am able to work smoothly without problems. At least for now. All in all there are not too many jobs where you can sit and do nothing for about 75% of the day (most days not all) and get paid for it.


Kay said...

I did not know you were a Baseball fan? I am a huge Baseball Fan too! But my team is the Giants. It looks like you are an American League guy, an A's fan. Do you want Zito back? LOL!

Kay Bragg

ScoundrelLV said...

It sounds like you do have a dream job. I am so happy for you. You deserve it. What a headache to walk into with all of the fraud. I hope it is all taken care of.

Marnie said...

Crummy about the fraud. Hope you don't get too bored!

Mom in Orem said...

Nice office. This job has been no picnic. You are working hard, even though you are saying otherwise. I continue to pray that your hopes and dreams may somehow come to fruition. Continue to hang in there.