Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mom's right to brag

So I am sitting here thinking about how wonderful my children are, and just have to brag for a minute. Yesterday, Ammon and Bella had a recital for discovery. Ammon performed a song and then a dance he learned. It was fun to watch. We'll just say he is a good leader. Bella, did a song with actions. She was saying how scared she was before, but got up there and did an amazing job. She remembered all the actions and really got into it. I thought she was the best up there.

Sam got student of the month in Jan. Sam's teacher just can't get over how good Sam is doing behavior wise, and he has always been good at reading and math. Ammon and Bella got student of the month back in Oct. So now all my children have gotten student of the month awards at Entheos.

Sam and Ammon gave talks in sacrament meeting back in Jan. and every week I go to church I still get different people telling me what an amazing job they did. They really did. Ammon only looked at his papers once. He gave it all in his own words, and he even got the congregation laughing. Sam bore a strong testimony and with both talks I felt the spirit. The amazing thing is that Al just handed them the materials and they prepared them all on there own.

Tomorrow Ammon gets to be an "Entheos Ambassador". He is going to the State Capitol to represent Entheos. They are setting up a booth and talking to the state legislators and local representatives about Entheos. He was one of twelve of the whole student body grades k-9 chosen to go. The school has been helping him prepare to answer questions and such. Ammon is excited for this opportunity.

Joshua is just getting bigger and bigger. He is talking more, and lately he has been doing better about cleaning up his toys. He likes to try to make you feel better. If you don't feel good he'll kiss you, and ask, "Is that better?" He also likes to help with what ever your doing. He's a good kid.

I love all my children. I am truly blessed!


Amy and Mike said...

You do have amazing children. It sounds like they have had some opportunities to get up in front of people and really shine. You guys must be doing some good things as parents as well.

Ashlyn said...

You are blessed! How excting for your kids to be able to get so involed in both school and church! I love that you bragged and You need to do it more ofte! I love to hear how wonderful and amazing MY neices and nephews are!

Alvaro G. Ramirez III said...

It is a perfect reflection of the person they have as a mother! She's awesome therefore she has raised some amazing children.

ScoundrelLV said...

I agree with Al. You have amazing children, but they have an amazing mom. I am sure it does the heart good to see them growing up to be such great children. What more can you ask for?

Mom in Orem said...

Boy this makes me feel like bragging too! Way to go Ramirez's!