Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Joshua

Tuesday was Joshua's 3rd birthday. He was so excited, he knew that the day that he woke up and saw the kitchen decorated that was going to be the day of his birthday. He woke up Tuesday morning he woke up and I carried him downstairs singing happy birthday to him and when he saw the kitchen his jaw dropped and he was in shock. We used the Superman stuff from Sam's party a couple of years ago (since he is obsessed with Superman). He ate his requested breakfast of pancakes, and was just happy being the center of attention.

Joshua has brought a lot of happiness into our family. His brothers and sister love him as do Monica and I.
He has a smile that lights up a room. I can't believe that my baby is 3 years old.

He is excited for Saturday. That is when we will be having his birthday party and his Grandma and Grandpa are doing something different and special for him. All the kids are excited for his party. I think that his excitement is just because his brothers and sister are excited. I am sure that he doesn't know what is going to happen.


Amy and Mike said...

Happy Birthday to Joshua!! I can't believe he is 3 now. It sounds like he has something extra fun planned. I can't wait to find out what it is either. It sounds like he had a great day.

Ashlyn said...

Happy Birthday sam! We love you and are soo happy that we get to be a part of your life!!!
Sorry we have to miss the party. Working Saturdays are tuff! But we will be thinking of you and wish we were there!!!

Mom in Orem said...

Oh how I love that Joshua!